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4 Truths I'm Still Falling For This Season:

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When fall shows up, the nostalgia that comes with the fall season is wildly inspiring, sometimes depressing. It often reminds me about some lessons in life that we should never forget because we've been so reminded of our whole lives.

But we forget.

The winter comes, and we somehow forget there is always a new season around the corner.

Here are 4 truths to remember this season.

Surrender is the safest place on earth.

Why do we always cause ourselves so much anxiety by trying to do what we want when we want and think our plan is best?

How many times have something not gone the way we thought we wanted it to go, and then we look back, and we are grateful.

Surrendering our will to the Lord's will is where we find rest.

It's the place people wish they were at when they see you go through a trial and wonder how you are still smiling. It's the place you can take a breath in the middle of suffocating. It's the joy. You find in the middle of a report from the doctor, or. When you are facing heartache, death, adultery, and the likes. It's that peace that you can not deny.

PEACE IS POWER. Walking in power is safe.

Speaking of safe, this brings me to my second point.

Protection sometimes feels like rejection.

I mean, how many people did you think you were going to marry, starting in elementary school, and looking back, you're glad that didn't work out.

How many bullets did you dodge from the plan you had actually not working out the way you thought?

The first place we feel rejection is relationship. Either with a potential lover, a group of friends, or even a parent that may have abandoned you.

Maybe it's your job or career. Perhaps it's the high school sport you tried out for and didn't make the team, or that door that you only dreamed would open that got slammed in your face. Maybe you tried out for American Idol, or America's got talent and didn't get the golden ticket. Ps. I definitely tried out for American Idol, and I'll tell you about it later.

At the moment of rejection, we forget that more than likely, it's God protecting us from something. At the moment, we'd like not to be saved. We don't care what is behind door number one, we wanna go through it, and we're willing to accept all of the consequences.

But when you are a person of faith that understands there's a bigger picture than what our minds can fathom, then when what looks like rejection comes, there's peace.

The closed doors are usually God's positioning you to be protected in ways you can not see. And in position to reach the doors you have no idea are about to open for you -

Fear is just an acceptable word for "anxiety."

Anxiety. Anxiety. Anxiety. It's a word I can't escape. It's all over social media, and all the influencers are trying to influence it, all the doctors are trying to help you cope, everyone seems to be dealing with it.

Do yoga, send good vibes.

But this past Saturday, I heard a football coach say right before their game,

"the thing out on the field you're calling "anxiety" is really just fear. And it stays here in this locker room. Don't bring it out to the field. We don't play with fear. "

Anxiety is freaking fear. And that actually makes me hate anxiety more. I not only hate it but just get turned off by it. I don't want to live in fear. I refuse. So I am going to stop calling it anxiety, because now I know where it comes from.

Basically, like calling an addiction a hobby, no, it's an addiction.

What am I so afraid of anyway? I have already faced my deepest darkest fears in life. The worst nightmares have already come true. Do you want to know which one of them was?

My deepest darkest fear at one point in life was being married and my husband cheating on me. That happened.

After my divorce, the second biggest fear was that the guy I thought I was going to marry, who at the time was the best thing that ever happened to me, would leave me one day. And by the grace of God, the second biggest fear happened. It ended up being a blessing in disguise but facing that fear almost took me out.

After signing the biggest production deal of my life for my show (they were the producers of all the Real Housewives, Undercover boss, cupcake wars, Southern charm, etc.), the deal would somehow fall apart.

And guess what? That happened too.

What do I have to fear?

Pharaoh is like a telemarketer.

Who is Pharaoh? It's the thing in your life that is keeping you from being entirely free.

PEACE IS POWER remember?

The story of Moses. It's the thing that is trying to keep you in slavery and bondage. I tell the kids in jail all the time, you can be out on the street, free, but locked up in your mind. You can be in jail and completely free in your mind. It's wild how many people I know have a lot of things the world thinks they want, and a lot of people who proclaimed to have a lot of faith, but they're absolutely in bondage.

They are in slavery to their past, to addiction, to a toxic relationship, to negative thinking, to a life of misery.

Pharoah is the thing in your life that keeps you in that place of slavery. We're all trying to get away from him. Once we're free, we're free. But Pharaoh never stops, he always tries to get us to place in our life, or we are lock-in.

Pharaoh is like a telemarketer. He doesn't stop calling, and once you pick up the phone, you're done.

So the bottom line is, don't go back to your past. You are free and never have to be enslaved again.

Nahum 1:9 says that whatever they plot against the LORD, he will end; trouble will not come a second time.

Once you're free, you are free.

Fall is a time to slow down and smell the pumpkin spice or the grass on the football field. As it brings up all the nostalgia from the past, remember the lessons you've learned already and remind yourself that you are wiser than you think.

You are strong and courageous and can face and do hard things.

I hope these have been a reminder as well,

Happy Football Kick-Off Week,




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